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Death Note - Alumina Lyrics (Romaji & English Translation)

Death Note Ending 1 - Alumina by Nightmare

Nagareru toki no naka matataku setsunateki kirameki o
この世の記憶に刻むため 歩き続けるBeliever
Kono yo no kioku ni kizamu tame   arukitsuzukeru Believer

A momentary sparkle twinkles within the flowing time.
I'm a believer that keeps walking, to carve his memories of it into the world.

誰にも見れないユメを見て 要らないものは全て捨てた
Dare ni mo mirenai yume o mite   iranai mono wa subete suteta
ゆずれない想い この胸に宿して
Yuzurenai omoi   kono mune ni yadoshite

I had a dream no one else had, I threw away everything I didn't need.
Thoughts that I can’t surrender dwell in my chest.

まだ現実と理想の狭間にいて 犠牲の枷に足をとられても
Mada riaru to idearu no hazama ni ite   gisei no kase ni ashi o torarete mo
溢れる衝動押さえきれない 強く求める心があるから
Afureru shoudou osaekirenai   tsuyoku motomeru kokoro ga aru kara

Even if I’m still in the rift between reality and ideals and my feet are bound by shackles of sacrifice.
These overflowing impulses cannot be suppressed because my heart still strongly yearns.

「偽り」「恐れ」「虚飾」「憂い」 様々なネガティブに
“Itsuwari” “Osore” “Kyoshoku” “Urei”   samazama na negatibu ni
とらわれるほど弱くはない 孤独も知らぬTrickster
Torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai   kodoku mo shiranu Trickster

“Lies” “Fear” “Vanity” “Grief”; I won’t be weak enough
To be seized by such negativity; I’m a Trickster who doesn’t know loneliness.

夜空を突き刺すビルの群れ 星など見えない宙見上げ
Yozora o tsukisasu biru no mure   hoshi nado mienai sora miage
「迷いはないか」と 自分に問いかける
“Mayoi wa nai ka” to   jibun ni toikakeru

I look up at the buildings that pierce the night sky, the stars and such in space invisible.
And ask myself, “Won’t I be lost?”

この街中溢れるモノにまみれ うつつを抜かすようなことは無い
Kono machijuu afureru mono ni mamire   utsutsu o nukasu you na koto wa nai
未来へと繋がる道の果てで この手に掴むものを見たいから
Asu e to tsunagaru michi no hate de   kono te ni tsukamu mono o mitai kara

The whole town overflowing with tainted people, I won't be lured by such things.
Because at the end of the road that connects to the future, I want to see what I've got in my hand.

瞼を閉じ意識の海に浮かんで 思い描く 理想を手にするそのときを
Mabuta o toji ishiki no umi ni ukande   omoiegaku   risou o te ni suru sono toki o

Closing my eyes, I float on the sea of my senses, and envision it; That's when I obtain the ideals I've pictured.

限りある「生」をこの世に受け 枯れゆくだけは愚かに等しい
Kagiri aru “sei” o kono yo ni uke   kare yuku dake wa oroka ni hitoshii
他の誰もが持ち得ないもの 「自分自身」という名の結晶へ
Hoka no dare mo ga mochienai mono   “jibun jishin” to iu na no kesshou e

To merely receive limited “life” in this world and withering away is just as stupid as dying.
I must obtain something that no one else has - the crystal known as “my oneself”.

キレイゴトを突き通すこと いつか真実へ変わる
Kireigoto o tsukitoosu koto   itsuka makoto e kawaru
頑に信じ続けたい It’s just my faith. The absolute truth.
Katakuna ni shinjitsuzuketai   It’s just my faith. The absolute truth.

Piercing through simplicity, one day it will change into reality.
I want to keep believing in it stubbornly; It’s just my faith. The absolute truth.

Nagareru toki no naka matataku setsunateki kirameki o
この世の記憶に刻むため 歩き続けるBeliever
Kono yo no kioku ni kizamu tame   arukitsuzukeru Believer

A momentary sparkle twinkles within the flowing time.
I'm a believer that keeps walking, to carve his memories of it into the world.